Cryo2ice Symposium 2024

23-27 September 2024 | HARPA | Reykjavik, Iceland

Poster List

The poster session will take place as scheduled on Monday, September 23, and Thursday, September 26.

Posters will be displayed the whole week in the hall close to the auditorium.

Presenters at the poster sessions shall bring their own printed posters. It will not be possible to print a poster on site. 

The poster size is AO Portrait orientation.

Cryo2ice Symposium 2024
Poster List
Mission Status
1Moving Science to Action: An Overview of the ICESat-2 Applications Program
Aimee Neeley, NASA Goddard
26 Years of ICESat-2 On-Orbit Radiometry
Aimée Gibbons, NASA/KBR
3CryoSat-2 - SIRAL Calibration with Transponders and Corner Reflectors
Albert García-Mondéja, isardSAT
4CryoSat Data Quality Control: Current Status of the Ice Processor
Harry Cook, Telespazio
5CRYO2ICE Campaign: Data quality activities to support the synchronisation of CryoSat-2 & ICESat-2.
Harry Cook, Telespazio
6Linear Impulse Response from ICESat-2 On-Orbit Data
Almut M. Pingel, SSAI | NASA Goddard Space Flight Center
7CryoSat data access: current scenarios and roadmap towards future scenarios
Luca Girardo, ESA
8ICESat-2/ATLAS: Instrument Design and Operating Principles
Anthony Martino, NASA Goddard Space Flight Center
9CPOM Data and Processing Chains
Ben Palmer, Centre for Polar Observation and Modelling, University of Northumbria
10ICESat-2/ATLAS: Instrument Status and Projected Performance
Anthony Martino, NASA Goddard Space Flight Center
Sea Ice
11Anticipating CRISTAL: An exploration of multi-frequency satellite altimeter snow depth observations over Arctic sea ice 2018-2023
Jack Landy, University of Tromsø - The Artic University of Norway
12Updates to the ICESat-2 winter Arctic sea ice thickness product and preliminary development and assessment of a new summer ice thickness product
Alek Petty, University Of Maryland
13Investigating Weather And Climate Drivers Of Sea Ice Variability In The New Arctic
Linette Boisvert, NASA
14Investigating Rapid Antarctic Sea Ice Decline with ICESat-2
Kyle Duncan, University Of Maryland
15Bayesian trans-dimensional inversion for Arctiv ice and snow retrievals from radar (CryoSat-2) and laser (ICESat-2) altimetry
M. Tsamados, Center for Polar Observation and Modelling, University College of London
Ice Sheets and Ice Shelves
16Revised History and Anticipated Future of the West Antarctic Ice Sheet Based on Recent Results on Mantle Viscosity and Satellite Measurements of Current Mass Changes
H. Jay Zwally, Earth System Science Interdisciplinary Center (essic/umd)
17Unveiling Cryospheric Dynamics in East Antarctica: Insights from GNSS Measurements in Schirmacher Oasis to Wohlthat Mountains
Deepak Yuvraj Gajbhiye, Geological Survey Of India
18Long-term satellite observations of Greenland Ice Sheet near-surface density
Kirk Scanlan, DTU Space
19Retrieval of Ice Sheet Topography from Radar Altimetry Waveforms using Deep Learning
Joe Phillips, Lancaster University
20Greenland Ice Sheet Runoff: CryoSat-2 Insights at Basin Scale
Jenny Maddalena, Lancaster University
21Connecting ICESat-2 elevation changes above subglacial lakes to modelled subglacial hydrological systems in Antarctica and Greenland
Aaron Stubblefield, Dartmouth College
22Status and Performance Assessment of the latest Cryo-TEMPO Land Ice Thematic Product
Malcolm McMillan, CPOM Lancaster University
23Subglacial lake activity beneath the East Antarctic Ice Sheet in coastal Dronning Maud Land from ICESat-2 laser altimetry
Jennifer Arthur, Norsk Polarinstitutt
24A Kalman Filter framework for Measuring Ice Sheet Elevation Change from Radar Altimetry
Jenny Maddalena, Lancaster University
25Impact assessment of multiscale surface roughness on ICESat-2 and CryoSat-2 measurements - a case study
Adriano Lemos, Fmi
26The EOLIS dataset: Monitoring Land Ice from CryoSat-2 Swath processing
Sophie Dubber, Earthwave
27Illuminating Antarctic Subglacial Lake Dynamics with CryoSat-2
Sally Wilson, University of Leeds
28Evaluating processes contributing to changes in Antarctic ice shelf buttressing from ICESat-2 altimetry and WorldView stereo-photogrammetric DEMs
Chancelor Roberts, Scripps Institution Of Oceanography
29Mass balance of Totten Glacier from CryoSat-2 satellite altimetry
Thomas Slater, Northumbria University
30A hierarchy of ICESat-2 land ice data products for accelerating science with satellite laser altimetry`
Matthew Siegfried, Colorado School Of Mines
Mountain Glaciers
31Visible-Light Penetration Depth and Scattering Coefficients of Glacier Ice in the Greenland Ablation Zone
Thilini Bamunu Arachchige, University Of North Dakota
32Mapping Elevation and Surface Roughness Changes of Negribreen, Svalbard, during its Mature Surge Phase using ICESat-2
Thomas Trantow, University of Colorado, Boulder
Oceans and hydrology 
33High-Latitude Lake and River Dynamics
Charon Birkett, NASA/GSFC
34EOT-Polar: Empirical ocean tide model for the polar oceans from multi-mission satellite altimetry
Michael Hart-Davis, DGFI-TUM
35Assessing Arctic Coastal Erosion Hazards with ICESat-2
Celso Ferreira, George Mason University
36Monitoring lakes and reservoirs from space using ICESat-2 and GRACE Follow-On missions
Claudia Cristina Carabajal, Science Systems and Applications, Inc.
Beyond ice and oceans
37Detecting snow in forests with ICESat-2
Thomas Laraia, University Of Edinburgh
38Community Instrument for Validation of ICESat-2-derived Measurements of Snow- and Ice Properties
Thilini Bamunu Arachchige, University Of North Dakota
Synergies and follow-on miss
39Geophysical retrieval from Cristal: design, development and validation
Michele Scagliola, Rhea For Esa
40CRISTALair, the CRISTAL airborne Demonstrator
Albert García-Mondéjar, isardSAT
41Operational Fiducial Reference Measurements over Sea Ice in support of Sentinel-3 validation (ESA St3TART-FO project)
Henriette Skourup, Technical University of Denmark
42St3TART-FO – Land Ice: Provision of operational Fiducial Reference Measurements (FRM) for Sentinel-3 validation over land-ice
Ghislain Picard, Université Grenoble Alpes
43Provision of operational Fiducial Reference Measurements over for Sentinel-3 over inland waters (ESA St3TART-FO project)
Jean-Christophe Poisson, Vortex-io