Cryo2ice Symposium 2024

23-27 September 2024 | HARPA | Reykjavik, Iceland


You will start by visiting Thingvellir National Park, a place that all Icelanders keep close to their hearts, a place of historic, natural and geological interest. It is, for one, a key location in Icelandic history Þingvellirhas is a UNESCO World Heritage Site and is also protected as a national park for its geology and unique natural features. Almannagjáis a canyon formed between two tectonic plates, a visual representation of continental drift.Then we head to Gullfoss area were we start with lunch at GullfossCafé before viewing Gullfoss waterfall. Thisiconic waterfall offersa spectacular view of the forces and beauty of untouched nature.Next up is the Geysir geothermal area, witness „Strokkur“ erupt approx every 10 minues or so. Watch out for the big splash of hot boiling water that can go up to 30 m high!Ending the day back in Reykjavik in the late afternoon. Lunch and transport included 

The Community day will be held on 25 September, information will be available close to the event.

Please click here  for the detailed programme.